How wonderful is that! Getting an IUD inserted by an experienced midwife. And then a free follow-up ultrasound! Thanks to excellent ultrasound equipment, the position of the IUD can be immediately checked after insertion. You can also come for contraceptive advice. We’ve noticed that women appreciate being guided by us in their choice of contraception. We’re knowledgeable in providing information and take the time for you. We now place over 400 IUDs and Implanon (contraceptive implant) per year.
How does it work?
All women can make an appointment. You don’t need to be familiar with our practice. The insertion of the IUD or contraceptive implant (Implanon) is ALWAYS covered by the basic insurance package and does not count towards your deductible. Are you 18 or younger? Then all contraceptive methods are covered by the basic insurance package and do not count towards your deductible. Are you between 18 and 21 years old? Then all contraceptive methods are covered by the basic insurance package, but they do count towards your deductible. If you’re older than 21, whether the contraceptive method is covered depends on your insurance package. Please inquire about this with your health insurance provider. What is a contraceptive consultation?
During a contraceptive consultation, we discuss your preferences and go through various contraceptive methods with you. Of course, we take into account your medical history. We also discuss any contraceptive methods you’ve used before and your experiences with them. The contraceptive consultation is not covered by your health insurance and costs 35 euros. FREE WEBINAR on September 20, 2023
On September 20, the practice is organizing a free webinar! It will start at 8 p.m. and will last approximately one hour. We will discuss the different contraceptive methods and their advantages/disadvantages, and demonstrate how to insert an IUD and contraceptive implant (Implanon). Sign up below!
Click on “Service” –> select “Webinar on Contraception” –> select “Midwifery” and go to September 20. Please note that you will receive the digital invitation one week before the webinar.
How do I make an appointment?
If you want to schedule an appointment for a contraceptive consultation, you can call the practice, and the consultation will be scheduled for you.
You can also call the practice to make an appointment for the insertion of an IUD/Implanon in Rotterdam. The assistant will ask for your social security number (BSN) and your date of birth. This will enable her to prescribe the prescription, which will be sent directly to the pharmacy. You will receive an email with a payment link. Once the payment is completed, the IUD/Implanon will be sent to our practice. You can submit the invoice to your health insurance provider. This way, the contraceptive method of your choice will always be available when you come for your appointment.
Call the practice to make an appointment for the insertion of an IUD/Implanon. The assistant will ask for your date of birth, social security number (BSN), and email address. You will receive a message from via email with a payment link. Once the IUD/Implanon is paid for, it will be sent to the practice. Most health insurance providers cover the insertion of the IUD. Please double-check this. See you at the practice!
An intrauterine device is a highly reliable form of birth control that is well combinable with breastfeeding. There are two types of intrauterine devices: the hormone free and the hormone containing intrauterine device.
A copper intrauterine device is hormone free birth control and gradually gives off a bit of copper. Copper paralyzes the semen cells that enter the womb and makes them inactive so that no insemination can take place. A copper intrauterine device also works as a morning-after pill if it is placed within five days after unsafe sex. The copper intrauterine device renders the endometrium unsuitable for the lodging of an eventually fertilized egg cell.
The copper intrauterine device is highly reliable and is registered for a ten year period. Of course, you can also place the T-Safe for a short period of time, for example in between two pregnancies. You can order the T-Safe intrauterine device online via. The intrauterine device is delivered to your home free of charge. In case you are additionally insured and are eligible for compensation by your assurance then you should pick up the T-Safe intrauterine device with a prescription at a pharmacy. The T-Safe intrauterine device costs 69 euros.
Link to the package leaflet
The Hormone intrauterine device makes sure that the endometrium in the cervix ‘hardens’, causing the sperm cells to have more difficulty coming through. Besides that, the = is sometimes suppressed and the endometrium becomes unsuitable for the lodging of an eventually fertilized egg cell.
The intrauterine device is highly reliable and is registered for a usage of five years. Of course, you can also have the Mirena placed for short periods of time, for example in between two pregnancies. The Mirena intrauterine device should be picked up with a prescription from the pharmacy. The Mirena intrauterine device costs about 140 euros.Mirena
Link to the package leaflet:
So the costs for an intrauterine device, if you are not additionally insured, will have to be paid by you. Check with your insurance in which cases you receive compensation for an intrauterine device.
When you call for an appointment, you will receive an email from When you click on the link, you can pay the birth control method. It wil be send to our practice. In case you are not insured for the intrauterine device, the copper intrauterine device is also available on our practice. One always needs a prescription for the hormone intrauterine device.
For the intrauterine device placement at the Obstetric Centre Bergweg you will have to bring the intrauterine device with you and you will have to know that you are not pregnant and do not have an STD or fall into STD risk group. If this is not the case contact us first.
It is important for the placement of an intrauterine device to be sure that you don’t have an STD (venereal disease). This can be tested with a vaginal cultivation. You can order a self-test for Chlamydia; Gonorrhoea and Trichomoniasis via and perform the test at home (Costs € 45, sent in a white box)—–
The appointment lasts for about 20 minutes. We start with an internal echo to determine the size and the positioning of the womb. Then we place the intrauterine device, which takes just a few minutes. The placement can be sensitive, so we advise you to take two paracetamol or one ibuprofen roughly one hour in advance.
An intrauterine device can be placed from 10 to 12 weeks after the childbirth. In case you have never given birth, we prefer to place the intrauterine device during your menstruation, because that’s when the cervix is open. This makes the placement easier. Besides, that way we know that there’s no pregnancy at that moment. The spiral can also be placed outside of the menstruation.
It’s normal that you can get stomach cramps or a sore feeling in the abdomen after an intrauterine device placement. You might also experience some irregular blood loss, more stomach cramps and/or extra blood loss during the first three months.
The costs for the placement of an intrauterine device and the intrauterine device itself can be far apart. Having an intrauterine device placed by a general practitioner or an obstetrician is often cheaper than a gynecologist in a hospital. It is therefore wise to go through your options, what your insurance does and does not compensate, but most of all your own wishes.
Follow-up check
After having placed the intrauterine device an echo is immediately made to check whether the intrauterine device is properly placed inside the womb. For this echo, no extra costs are charged. In case you don’t have extreme blood loss or cramps after the placement, an echo afterwards isn’t necessary.
Complaints after placement:
You can contact us in case you have or keep a lot of blood loss or stomach pain. Also when you develop a fever within 7 days after placement. We will then check the intrauterine device again with the echo.
Intrauterine device removal In case you want to have the intrauterine device removed, you can also come to us. After the removal of the intrauterine device, you’re immediately fertile again.
There are many different kinds of birth control pills. You can choose between two kinds of birth control pills:
The pill has to be taken every day at around the same time, in the order that is indicated on the strip.
The estrogen hormone makes for a predictable menstruation. The progestogen makes sure you don’t get pregnant. The combination pill cannot be used when you are breastfeeding. However, you can do so when taking the pill without estrogen. This pill is often used by women that have just given birth and are breastfeeding. Most pills have 21 pills per strip. These are taken in periods of 3 weeks and after that, there is a stop week. In the stop week, you have your period. You are still protected against pregnancy in the stop week.
With the combination pill, you can skip your stop week and thus your period by continuing to the next strip right after the previous strip. Also the shifting of the stop week, for example, because you’re going on vacation, is possible with the birth control pill.
The pill without estrogen contains 28 pills per strip, after which you begin a new strip straight away. This pill, however, contains 28 active tablets, you can’t shift or skip your period.
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