Prenatal screening (NIPT or combined test) lets us assess the chances of your child having Down’s syndrome, trisomy 13 or 18, or spina bifida. Every pregnant woman is eligible for prenatal screening.
Prenatal testing is examining your baby during your pregnancy. It is used to determine the likelihood that your baby has a birth defect. Prenatal testing is not mandatory. We will provide extensive information about the screening options and what will happen if a birth defect is found.
It is always difficult to start talking about prenatal screening during the very first checkup. It’s still early in your pregnancy and you’re happy that all is well after the first ultrasound. But it is important to inform you early on about your options for prenatal testing for any chromosomal abnormalities. This is why we share this information with you during your first checkup. If you’re interested in these prenatal tests, we will schedule an appointment around the 11 week mark. Then we will have an in-depth talk about prenatal screening and provide more information.
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