After you have given birth, it is very good to get maternity care. Every day, a maternity assistant checks up on you and your baby, and they check whether you are recovering well from giving birth. They assist you when breastfeeding, and they teach you and your partner all of the important things you should know about your baby. It is important to arrange maternity care early in your pregnancy, even before 16 weeks, as the maternity assistants prefer visiting you for an interview during your pregnancy, and to talk about mutual expectations. We work most often with:
Maternity care Rotterdam:
Maternity care De Eilanden:
Maternity care De Waarden:
Birth registration
The registration must be done in the municipality where you baby was born. It is important that the baby is registered within three working days at the townhall or submunicipality where the baby was born. The registration can be done by someone who attended the birth. You need to take with you a birth declaration by the midwife or doctor and your own passport/identification and your marriage certificate, if applicable. If you are not married and the baby is going to get the father’s surname, you need to have an affidavit of paternity made at the municipality. This affidavit, together with your identification, needs to be taken with you when you register your baby. You will need to make an appointment at the municipality for the birth registration and affidavit of paternity.
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